
We are here to help when you need us.

Department of Pulmonology at Sri Harinya Hospitals is endowed with state-of-the-art facilities at par with international standards. The branch deals majorly with diseases of airways, lungs and pleura. It also deals with Sleep Disordered Breathing, Allergy and Immunotherapy, Rehabilitation of patients with respiratory diseases. Department has other synonyms like chest medicine and respiratory medicine.

The team involves highly qualified medical doctors with passion towards providing the best comprehensive care to the patients with a holistic approach. The team provides all round clock services to the patients by teaming up with critical care, oncologists, cardiologists, internal medicine specialists, interventional radiologists and thoracic surgeons.

  • Sub Specialties
  • Allergy and Asthma
  • Interventional Pulmonology
  • Pulmonary Rehabilitation
  • Sleep Medicine
  • Thoracic Oncology